MoonAge – The Best of Bowie
Online Ticket £24.75 (includes £2.25 online booking fee)
Box Office Ticket £22.50
Bookings made through the Box Office will incur a £1 booking fee
per transaction (not per ticket)
Please note: all sales are final – there are no refunds or exchanges
Space Oddity, Life on Mars, Ziggy Stardust, Starman, Jean Genie, Let’s Dance, China Girl, Ashes to Ashes, Heroes, Fame, Absolute Beginners…the list goes on and MoonAge will play them all… plus our signature song Moonage Daydream.
MoonAge is a David Bowie Tribute Band comprising acclaimed musicians, with a wealth of experience, that have featured in many other tributes (Pink Floyd, Queen, Free, Abba) and are fronted by an amazing singer, Andrew Walker, who has David Bowie’s vocals off to a tee. The classic “Spiders from Mars” line-up is enhanced by keyboards, saxophone and full backing vocals whilst images accompany each song and are displayed behind the band.
One fan at a recent show emailed to say…
“I’ve never heard a singer do Bowie as effortlessly and convincingly as that before. It’s a hard act to follow. Yet I shut my eyes at one point and it could have been him. Genuinely incredible!”
Whether you are a fan of Bowie’s early years, the Glam Rock era, Plastic Soul, Berlin or 80s Pop eras, there will be something for you in their two-hour show.
You can sing along, tap your feet, clap your hands or get up and dance, but you won’t be able to sit still!
This really is the total David Bowie Tribute.
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