Witness For The Prosecution : Wimborne Drama Productions
Thursday 24th – Saturday 26th October 2024
Evenings 7.30pm + Saturday Matinee 2.30pm
Online Ticket £19.25 eve / £17.05 Matinee (includes £1.75/£1 .55 online booking fee)
Box Office Ticket £17.50 eve / £15.50 Matinee
1 in 10 free all performances (available via Box Office only)
Bookings over £20 made through the Box Office will incur a £1 booking fee
per transaction (not per ticket)
Please note: all sales are final – there are no refunds or exchanges
You have been summoned for jury service!
Come and experience Agatha Christie’s gripping courtroom drama of justice, passion and betrayal.
Leonard Vole is accused of murdering a rich widow to inherit her wealth. The stakes are high. Will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony? Will he be able to convince the jury and you of his innocence and escape the hangman’s noose?
Directed by David Beddard-Banks. This amateur production of “Witness for the Prosecution” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd. on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. www.concordtheatricals.co.uk
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